Monday, 6 January 2014

New Years Resolution

Hi there! It's been a very long time since I last blogged - just over two months in fact (it's shameful, I know) - but that's why I have officially made it my New Year's resolution to try to blog and Lookbook on a much more regular basis. 

I tried to start this off with a bit of a blog re-vamp, but as I'm still a massive beginner when it comes to HTML and CSS coding, my 're-vamp' has so far consisted of re-naming my blog and shifting my side bar to the right (crazy - I know!) If you weren't aware, I was formerly 'Hopeless Whistler' - a blog name which I could certainly not warm to and actually made me cringe a little bit when ever I said it out loud to anyone. So the new year brings a new name for you all: 'Frock Me' (and 'frockmefashion' for my domain as just 'frockme' was already taken *insert sad face here*). 

I don't want to say exactly how often I intend on blogging, because with January mocks peeping over the horizon and a wagon load of coursework stacking up on me, I could find it hard to keep to a perfect timetable. But I'd like to say at LEAST once a week. I can manage that, surely? 

I popped a little link to my Lookbook at the beginning of this post for you all, and you can also access it through my side bar. Again this is something I aim to do a lot more regularly, although my limited wardrobe and terrible camera quality will throw a few restrictions on that. It's terribly time consuming trying to capture a picture where your clothes AND your face look okay, taking in to account you're using an iPhone camera and self timer app to do this. 

Thanks to everyone who read my blog last year, and I hope to gain a few more fans this time round. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Years. Maybe you could drop a comment telling me what your New Year's resolution is? :)

Thanks for reading, Aderyn


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