Thursday, 23 May 2013

Look Post: My big bobbly coat

I had my last exam today. I make it sound as if this exam period has been pretty treacherous for me. It hasn't. I had an English Lit re-sit, and two General Studies exams. But do they even count? Anyway, today was the second and final General Studies exam, so I opted for something comfortable. I can now say I am free from exams for another year! Hurrah!

Coat - Mango
Jumper - New Look
Collared Top - Topshop
Jeans -Primark
Shoes - Topshop
Satchel - Primark

I love my bobbly coat. It's one of the few practical items of clothing I've ever bought myself, and for that I'm proud. I was beginning to feel like a bit of a hobo in it, so when my friend ordered a 'de-fuzzer' for her similar coat, I decided to take advantage of it. After about an hour of de-fuzzing I was left with an aching arm, a slightly improved but still tatty looking coat, and a ball big enough to make a brand new (maybe smaller) coat. I do feel better for having done it though.

These shoes were a permanent addition to my feet up until a few weeks ago when I brought home my jellies. Since then, they've been a big neglected so I thought I'd whip them out today and show them some love. This is the first time I've worn them sock (and plaster) free. They took what felt like a decade to break in, but they were well worth it. 

Also, what do you think of my new central parting? I've been edging this bad boy over about 1mm every month for the past two years or something ridiculous like that. I'm just not one of those people who can dramatically change their look from sweeping side fringe to central parting and get away with it. I have to take it gradually. 

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