Thursday, 25 April 2013

The birth of my blog!

So I have decided to start a blog. And while you may think the hardest part of starting a blog is ‘what do I write about?’ or ‘will anyone care about what I have to say?’, for me it was choosing a name.

I saw this task as very similar to naming a baby. There are many things you need to take in to consideration.  Number one. People must be able to spell it. Having the name Aderyn means I have felt the wrath of this situation, and I can tell you now, it’s not pretty. But why name your blog something that nobody can spell? The time consuming task of writing down the name of my blog, rather than just saying it aloud, made me think twice about swapping that ‘y’ for an ‘i’.  

Number two. It also needs to be fairly sensible. Too many celebrities nowadays are announcing the birth of their new born child Princess or Fifi (how these women get their husbands to agree to these names I’ll never know!). Albeit I probably thought these were great names at the age of ten, by the time you give birth you really should know better.  Similarly, for those of you who made a Hotmail account when you were twelve and inappropriately called it ‘’, you’ll understand the embarrassment of having to recite this to people five years on.

So with much thought and consideration, and many many missed blogging opportunities, I decided to be brave and just pick one! So as I sit here, five days before my coursework deadline, telling myself that although this isn't what I'm meant to be doing it’s still productive, I present you with my blog. Hopeless Whistler!

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