After a rather hectic incident involving running around with no pants on and a few days of waiting, I have finally received my Access All ASOS package!
It almost arrived on Friday, but having just woke up in a t-shirt and undies I had to frantically run around trying to find some pants to slip in to. I finally managed to find some hidden under the mounds of clothes on my floordrobe, put them on (backwards) and ran downstairs only to find one of those pesky red notes telling me I had to wait until Monday to pick it up. But I got it in the end!!
(please excuse the grainy picture that has been blown up from my phone)
I thought that the hand written note was really sweet and it showed that the ASOS team actually took notice of what was on everyone's applications. I'm currently testing out the nail polish - I love the colour but it's taking ageeees to dry and although I'm not really a jewellery person, I think this 'LOVE' necklace will be the perfect start to my collection!
I can't wait for all the invitations to start rolling in. So far we'd had three, two of which I've shown an interest in, but I don't know if I'll get picked. Fingers crossed!!